United States Apnea Association is now USA Freediving!
Visit their official website - www.USAFreediving.com
(you are currently on an old version of the site that has not been updated for a long time and is only working to inform you about the organization's web address change!)
References and Resources
Hypoxia – A state of the body where oxygen levels are reduced to the point of causing signs and symptoms in the body. In freediving, hypoxia is one of the causes of divers losing consciousness. Hypoxia affects all systems of the body, but shows the most profound reaction in the brain. By nature, freedivers risk hypoxia because they are holding their breath while they freedive. Experienced freedivers are able to tolerate remarkable levels of hypoxia. Safety is paramount whenever the risk of hypoxia is elevated.
Mammalian Diving Reflex – A reflex of all mammals that causes changes in the body’s physiology when breath hold diving.